<필리핀뉴스> 한국인 30대 남성 필리핀 유치장에서 탈옥!
"화장실 간다고 속여 문 열게 한 뒤 경찰 공격"
(방콕=연합뉴스) 김남권 특파원 = 필리핀 경찰서의 유치장에 수감 중이던 30대 한국인이 총기를 탈취한 뒤 도주한 사건이 발생했다.
12일 주필리핀 한국대사관에 따르면 한국인 임 모(36) 씨가 지난 10일 오후 11시 30분께 메트로 마닐라 남부 타귁시에 있는 남부 경찰국의 유치장에서 달아났다.
임씨는 화장실을 가겠다고 속여 유치장 문을 열게 한 다음 경찰관을 공격해 총기(firearm)를 탈취한 뒤 경찰서 건물 밖으로 도망친 것으로 전해졌다.
총기 종류는 아직 정확히 알려지지 않았다고 대사관 관계자는 연합뉴스와의 통화에서 전했다.
임씨는 필리핀에서 한국 국민을 감금한 혐의로 고소됐다가 지난 6월 현지 경찰에 체포돼 조사를 받아온 것으로 알려졌다.
한국대사관은 필리핀 경찰에 임씨의 신속한 검거를 촉구했다.
또 필리핀 교민 및 한국 국민을 상대로 신변 안전에 유의할 것을 당부하는 한편, 임씨 소재를 알거나 목격할 경우 가까운 경찰서나 대사관에 신고해달라고 요청했다.
출처/ www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20201012163100076?input=1179m
필리핀 현지뉴스
Manhunt on vs. Korean escapee from Taguig jail
WANTED. Police officers are now hunting down Yeong Jun Lim, one of the two South Korean detainees who escaped from the CIDG detention facility inside the SPD headquarters in Taguig City over the weekend. His companion, Hyeok Soo Kwon, was re-arrested in a construction site in Barangay Fort Bonifacio on Sunday (Oct. 11, 2020). (Photo courtesy of NCRPO)
MANILA – Authorities are now hunting down one of the two South Korean nationals who escaped from the detention facility of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) in Taguig City over the weekend, the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) said on Monday.
NCRPO chief, Maj. Gen. Debold Sinas, in a press statement, said Hyeok Soo Kwon and Yeong Jun Lim escaped from detention at around 11:45 p.m. Saturday at the detention cell inside Southern Police District (SPD) Headquarters.
During the incident, Lim asked the jail guard to unlock the cell so he can relieve himself in the comfort room. After the guard opened the cell, Lim and Kwon mauled the guard, took his service firearm, and jumped out of the window on the second floor of the CIDG facility.
Kwon was re-arrested in a pursuit operation while hiding at a construction site along Lawton Avenue in Barangay Fort Bonifacio in Taguig City at around 11 a.m. Sunday while Lim remains at large.
Kwon and Lim were arrested by the CIDG on June 22 in Parañaque City for voice phishing or phone fraud. The operation also resulted in the rescue of another Korean, Gun Se Lee, whom the suspects detained for allegedly feeding information to authorities.
The two were later detained at the CIDG at the SPD compound, facing charges for violation of Republic Act 10175 or the Anti-Cybercrime Law and illegal detention.
The two are also wanted in South Korea and facing a 10-year jail time for telephone fraud and are listed in the Red Notice of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).
Sinas also ordered the NCRPO Internal Affairs Service to determine the administrative liability of the guard on duty.
"Intensified manhunt operation against the remaining escapee continues. Series of information gathering, surveillance, and monitoring of his possible whereabouts are now being undertaken to ensure his re-arrest the soonest possible time,” said Sinas.
CIDG director, Maj. Gen. Joel Coronel, has ordered the relief of the duty jailer and placed him under restricted custody pending an investigation. (PNA)
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